Andrés is a lawyer and a journalist. Master of Laws (LL.M.) from Yale University. Fulbright Scholar. Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) and of the PUCP Graduate Schools, Universidad del Pacífico, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia and Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. He is currently a central opinion editor and columnist for Diario El Comercio (Peru).
The photograph is completed with the underlying interests and struggles. Just as only arms sellers win in wars, in the battle between politics and... Read more.
Monthly Bulletin April 2021 CELE Legislative Observatory. News of the legislative and regulatory activity, judicial and administrative decisions. Argentine... Read more.
On February 18, the Executive Branch, through Resolution 100/2021, nominated Juan Fuertes for the position of Director of the Agency for Access to Information... Read more.