Art 1o It is recognized as a legal means of communication and expressing to the Brazilian Language of Sinais - Libras and other resources of expressing to associates.

Sole paragraph. It is understood as the Brazilian Sinai Language - Libras as a form of communication and expression, in which a linguistic system of a visual-motor nature, with its own grammatical structure, constitutes a linguistic system of transmission of ideas and fatos, originating from communities of surdas. do Brasil.

Art 2o It must be guaranteed, by the general public power and concessionary public services companies, institutionalized forms of support or use and diffusion of the Brazilian Language of Sinais - Libras as a means of objective communication and current use of southern communities in Brazil.

Art 3o As public institutions and companies concessionarias of public services of assistência à saúde devem guarantee care and treatment appropriate to those with hearing loss, in accordance with the legal rules in force.

Art 4o The federal educational system and the state and municipal education systems of the Federal District must guarantee the inclusion of training courses in Special Education, Speech Therapy and Magisterium, in their secondary and higher levels, taught in the Brazilian Language of Sinais - Libras, as an integral part two National Curriculum Parameters - PCNs, according to current legislation.

Sole paragraph. A Língua Brasileira de Sinais - Libras will not be able to substitute the written modality of the Portuguese language.

Art 5o This Law shall enter into force on the date of its publication.

Brasília, April 24, 2002; 181o of Independence and 114o of the Republic.