Art 1o  Os arts. 240 and 241 days Lawo 8.069 of 13 July 1990, passam to vigorar with following redação:

"Art 240.  Producing, reproducing, directing, photographing, filming or registering, for any reason, explicit sex or pornographic dinner, involving young or adolescent:

Penalty - reclusion, from 4 (four) to 8 (oito) years, and a fine.

§ 1o  You join the fewest penalties that agency, facilitates, recruits, coage, or in any intermediate way to participation of criança or teenager referred dinners do not caput this artigo, or ainda quem com esses contracena.

§ 2o  Increase to a penalty of 1/3 (um terço) se or agent commits or crime:

I - no exercise of office or public function or under the pretext of exercise;

II - prevailing-se of domestic relationships, cohabitation or hospitality; ou

III - Prevailing oneself of blood kinship relations ou afim até or troupe grau, ou por adoção, tutor, curator, preceptor, empregador da vítima ou de quem, who has any authority over it, ou com seu consentimento. ” (NR)

"Art 241.  Sell ​​ou expor à seda photography, video ou outro record containing supper of explicit sex or pornographic wrapping criança ou teenager:

 Penalty - reclusion, from 4 (four) to 8 (oito) years, and a fine. ” (NR)

            Art 2o  To Lei no 8.069, of July 13, 1990, passes to vigorar acrescida dos sequeintes arts. 241-A, 241-B, 241-C, 241-D and 241-E:

"Article 241-A. Offer, exchange, make available, transmit, distribute, publish or disseminate by any means, including by means of a computer or telematic system, photography, video or other record that contains a dinner of explicit or pornographic sex involving children or adolescents:

Penalty - reclusão, from 3 (três) to 6 (six) years, and a fine.

§ 1o  In the same penalties incurs who:

I - ensures the best and best services for the organization of photographs, dinners or images that this article deals with or caput;

II - ensures, by any means, or access by computer network to the photographs, dinners or images of which it deals or caput this artigo.

 § 2o  As typified conduits nos. I and II do § 1o deste artigo são puníveis quando or responsável legal pela prestação do serviço, officially notified, deixa to disable or access or unlawful content that it treats or caput deste artigo.

 Article 241-B.  Acquire, acquire or build, for any reason, photograph, video or other form of registration containing an explicit sex or pornographic dinner involving a teenager or teenager:

 Penalty - reclusion, from 1 (um) to 4 (four) years, and a fine.

 § 1o  To pain é diminished from 1 (um) to 2/3 (dois terços) it is of small quantity or material to which it refers or caput of this artigo.

 § 2o  No crime has been posse ou o armazenamento tem a finalidade of communicating to the competent authorities to ocorrência das condutas described nos arts. 240, 241, 241-A and 241-C from Lei, when communicating for feita by:

 I - public agent not exercising their functions;

 II - member of entity, legally constituted, that includes, among its institutional purposes, or receivership, or processment in order to notify two crimes referred to in this paragraph;

 III - legal representative and officials responsible for providing access or service provided by means of a computer network, binding or receiving material related to notícia feita à police authority, ao Ministério Público ou ao Poder Judiciário.

 § 3o  As referred weight no § 2o this art deverão manter on stealth or illicit material referred.

 Art. 241-C.  To simulate participation of criança or adolescent in explicit sex or pornographic dinner by means of adulteração, montagem or modification of photography, video or any other form of visual representation:

 Penalty - reclusão, from 1 (um) to 3 (three) years, and a fine.

Sole paragraph. It does not include the same penalties that it sells, exhibits, sells, makes available, distributes, publishes or disseminates by whatever means, acquires, possesses or frameworks or material produced in the form of this article.

 Article 241-D.  Alicia, besiege, instigate ou constranger, by any means of communication, criança, as fim de com ela praticar ato libidinoso:

 Penalty - reclusão, from 1 (um) to 3 (three) years, and a fine.

 Sole paragraph. The same penalties were incorrect:

 I - facilitates or induces or accesses to material containing an explicit sex or pornographic dinner as a way to practice the libidinous act;

 II - practice as described ducts not caput deste artigo com or fim de induzir criança to be exhibited in a pornographic or sexually explicit way.

 Article 241-E.  For the purpose of two crimes foreseen in this Lei, an express "explicit sex or pornographic dinner" includes any situation that involves criança or adolescent in sexually explicit activities, real or simulated, or exibição dos orgãos genitais de uma criança ou adolescent for primarily sexual purposes. ”

 Art 3o  This Law shall enter into force on the date of its publication.

             Brasília, November 25, 2008; 187o of Independence and 120o of the Republic.